Monday, September 19, 2011



        Crafts are very effective in increasing the creativity. As for teens, there are lots of crafts that can keep them engaged as well as make their mind think of new ideas. There are numerous websites that offer simple craft tips, there are also books that guide in crafts. The interest in craft depends upon one’s nature as well as age. Some teens might love to indulge in paper crafts, while some might love pottery or carpentry. It also depends upon the gender. Females might love making their own lip glosses or hair, hand bands etc.

          Teen aged boys can be trained or encouraged to produce crafts related to hunting, sports or personal accessories. Guiding to make a bow and arrow, or wallet designs, shoes painting, etc could be fun for them. On the other hand for the girls designing wallets, hair bands, wrist bands, knitting clothes, sewing etc can be great fun. Designing clothes could be another great factor. These days computers, laptops and digital cameras are famous among the youths. One can use them in various productive ways. Taking photographs of stars, scenery, animals etc can be very productive. It would not only be limited to craft but it also imparts great knowledge to them.

          Making posters, wallpapers through graphic designing or painting is also a very nice way.  These days face painting and T-shirt painting too has been popular.  Following craft work not only keeps them engaged but also diverts their attention from the other temptations of youth age such as smoking, drinking or parting over night. These crafts prevent their mind from being empty and as we know “Empty mind is Devil’s workshop”.

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