Art and Craft is the skill of using one’s hand and mind to create something that is fascinating. Most of the forms of craft have been practiced from the very early times. We also have “handicrafts” or the “traditional crafts”. It is entirely a human creation needing hard work, passion, creativity, skill, patience, speed and love to bring forth the product.  Art and Craft vary in their quality and nature. The arts and crafts movement took shape in late 19th and early 20th century. The people who started this movement were William Morris and Edwin Lutyens. e. Many community centres and schools run evening or day classes and workshops offering to teach basic craft skills in a short period of time.
“Arts and crafts” also refers to the Arts and Crafts Movement, a late 19th century design reform and social movement. The term craft also refers to the products of artistic production or creation. Due to industrial revolution, art and craft has been unpopular as it requires time as well as hard work. Though  Art and Craft has been replaced by modern decorative items, it is still used in kinder gardens and primary schools as the best way to entertain the kids as well as an aid to narrate stories to them.

          Craft is a skilled work and hence involves the application of technique. Some people consider art and craft to be two different topics. Art, which is considered as a matter produced as a result of imagination and having no practical utility whereas craft is something produced with skill and technique that has practical utility. There are crafts of different types depending upon the material used for example, craft involving textiles are cross stitch, sewing, T-shirt painting, knitting, weaving etc.
 Craft involving wood are carpentry, involving metal are metalwork, jewelry etc. To randomly name some crafts we have : toy making, beadwork, egg decoration, floral design, flower craft, paper model, sculpture, pottery, shoe making and many more.