We can list a number of craft work but basically there are around five types of craft. These are the textile, Decorative, Paper, Functional and Fashion. These crafts vary from each other based on nature, use of material as well as the purpose for which they are made.

Textile craft:

These include any type of craft where you work with fabric, yarn, plant, animal or synthetic fibers and surface design. Some examples are knitting, quilting, weaving and dyeing. Many of these could obviously also fall into the decorative or fashion crafts categories, since the finished good is sold as a sweater or wall hanging. However, they are technically textile crafts since it all starts with the fabric. Textiles have been a fundamental part of humans since the beginning but the methods have been enormously expanded.

Decorative craft:
            Furniture making, metalwork, stained glass, gilding, sponge ware, surface design of walls, basketry and dried flowers fall into the category of decorative crafts. This category also includes toy making. In broader sense it includes interior designing as well. As the name suggests, it is primarily used for decorations.

Paper craft:
            Paper crafts are those to be done with paper ofcourse! A paper can be cut or folded into many forms thereby creating stuffs that are attractive. It is specially good for the children as it improves their creativity and imagination. Calligraphy is also a form of paper craft.

Functional craft:

          In this category we can include all types of craft, whether it is paper craft or decorative craft, provided that it has some function. For examples furnitures are decorative items as well as functional. Also utensils or pottery has both decorative as well as functional value. Usually people to would be happy to purchase such an item that has both decorative and functional factors.

Fashion craft:

          In this category we include those items which embellishes human body. It not only includes outfits but also jewelry, belts, bags, hats etc. This is a craft which is always booming in the market as all humans need clothes