Thursday, September 15, 2011



             Jewelry designing is an art of designing and making jewelry, stone cutting, engraving and polishing. Jewelry since decades have added charm and beauty to humans. It may be made from any material, usually gemstones, precious metals, beads, or shells. Factors affecting the choice of materials include cultural differences and the availability of the materials. The pattern of design in it  is the main factor that makes a jewelry appreciable. Items such as belts and handbags are considered to be accessories rather than jewelry. Thus it basically includes rings, necklaces, earrings, and bracelets.

            Jewelry is sometimes regarded as a way of showing wealth and might also possess some minimal functionality, such as holding a garment together or keeping hair in place. Jewelry in its most basic form has been used since the dawn of of man. Before written language, or the spoken word, there was jewelry. In creating jewelry, gemstones, coins, or other precious items are often used but these days  gold, white gold, platinum, palladium, titanium, or silver are also used. Other commonly used materials include glass, shells, wood, ivory, bronze etc. Also beads are commonly used in jewelry as in bracelets, earrings, necklaces or belts.

            Artisan jewelry continues to grow as both a hobby and a profession. Jewelry designing can be taken as a profession these days. It is a unique art and is different than other art related field. It is an art and appropriate training is required to master this skill. As such there are various renowned institutes offering degree in this field.

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