Friday, September 16, 2011



             It is a form of art that encompasses designing of the interiors of space such as interior of a house, hotel or any rooms. It includes things like flooring, windows, doors, walls, lighting, furniture, and miscellaneous design pieces. The goal of interior design is generally to make a space that is both comfortable and aesthetically pleasing. Most people design their interiors themselves with the help of references books and classes or by hiring some interior designers.
            An interior designer is someone who carries out the entire project of designing the space assigned. He/ She converts the given space according to the likes of the person as well as turning the place to be favorable one for the desired work. The duty of an interior designer includes planning, conducting the entire labors and executing the plans and designs in the best way possible. Similar to the interior designer, an interior decorator is the one who arranges the objects inside the room in various styles usually associated with  colour, furniture, furnishings, mouldings and panelling.

  An interior designer may choose to focus on commercial design, which would encompass a diverse range of buildings, like schools, hospitals, and government buildings, or may choose to focus on residential spaces. Three areas of design that are becoming increasingly popular are ergonomic design, elder design, and environmental—or green—design. Ergonomic design involves designing work spaces and furniture that emphasize good posture and minimize muscle strain on the body. Elder design involves planning interior space to aid in the movement of people who are elderly and disabled. Green design involves selecting furniture and carpets that are free of chemicals and hypoallergenic and selecting construction materials that are energy-efficient or are made from renewable resources.
            Interior designing can be taken as a part of career with some qualifications. Along with the qualifications the job demands for creative, versatile and diverse approach. Artistic mind and hand along with hardworking nature would be a great merit to be a successful interior designer.

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