Sunday, September 18, 2011


The term "Martial Arts" today has become heavily associated with the fighting arts. The word is derived from the Latin that we actually derive the English term, "Martial Arts" - from "Arts of Mars," the Roman god of war. While evidence show that martial arts have roots in prehistory, the earliest evidence of systematic training in specific martial arts traditions emerges in antiquity (late 1st millennium BC) in both Asia and Europe. Martial arts can be categorized into different types. It could be weapon based or only technique based, traditional or western form etc.

            It is practiced for self defense or physical fitness. We also have the Chinese martial art, popularly known as “wushu” or “kung-fu”. According to the country martial art has different names and sometimes the style or technique too varies to some extent. For example, in America we have the forms - Okichitaw (Canada), Tinku (Bolivia), Kapu Kuialua (Hawaii), American Karate (US), Chinese Martial Art (China), Judo (Japan), Silat (Thailand), Cornish Wrestling (England).

            Some Martial Arts are considered "traditional" and tied to an ethnic, cultural or religious background, while others are modern systems developed either by a founder, or by an association. Martial arts can also be linked with religion and spirituality. The foundation of modern Asian martial arts is likely a blend of early Chinese and Indian martial arts. Not all can perform martial art, it requires lots of training and stamina. He/ She should be able to abide by the discipline of the art.  Students within individual martial art systems often undergo periodic testing and grading by their own teacher in order to advance to a higher level of recognized achievement, such as a different belt color or title.

            Training in martial arts imparts many benefits to the trainee, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. According to Bruce Lee, martial arts also have the nature of an art, since there is emotional communication and complete emotional expression. Some traditional martial concepts have seen new use within modern military training. Martial arts since the 1970s has become a significant industry, a subset of the wider sport industry including cinema as well.

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