Wednesday, August 31, 2011


  Dance is a form of art. Movement of the body in the melody is what dance is all about. Dance, from the ancient time has been the part of ceremonies, events, rituals and entertainment.  In today’s scenario dance has taken a new level...a new space in everyone’s life. All people love dancing or at least loves to see other’s dancing. Although dance is often accompanied by music, it can also be presented independently or provide its own accompaniment as in tap dance.
       Today dance is also considered as a subject in universities. Not only that many people get their livelihood from dance. We have professional dancers, Choreographer as well as dance teachers. Modern popular dance initially emerged from late 19th century's Western ballroom and social dance music. Dancing is both an art form and a form of recreation. Dance as art may tell a story, set a mood, or express an emotion. Dance has the ability to explain a story, motivate people as well as soothe the viewer’s eyes.  Today dancing at a party or other gathering remains a popular way for people to enjoy themselves and to make new friends.
     There are many forms of dance. Some of the most distinct forms around the world are Salsa, Ball room, Kathak ,tap dance, Contemporary, hiphop, Ballet, Belly, Sambha, Street, Bhangra and many more. All dance styles are exceptionally beautiful and pleasing to the eyes.       

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